Bikexplore - Bike tours and expeditions near and far for all abilities by experienced tour leaders
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About Bikexplore

Bikexplore is owned and run by its Leaders. Each of us has a passion for the places we visit and a wealth of previous experience in organising cycling holidays, mainly but not exclusively for CTC / Cycling UK. Like CTC, Bikexplore’s legal structure is that of a company limited by guarantee.

As members of a collaborative non-profit organisation, our Leaders are motivated by the challenge of planning and the joy of sharing unforgettable holidays with a group of friends – many of whom we’ve never met before! Like you we enjoy nothing more than exploring new places on two wheels – and at a human pace. In our opinion, there is no better way of getting to know our wonderful world.

Unlike businesses which demand uniformity, we celebrate difference. Each Bikexplore holiday reflects the cycling personality of its Leader, who will lead you in their own careful way, to the special places they have found, along the kinds of roads or paths they love to travel.

We understand that when choosing a holiday, you’ll want to know how each different Leader does things. So let us take you to our Leaders!


Sheila Simpson

As a life-long cyclist, starting at the age of 12 with a 3-speed bike and a Bartholomew’s map, I have spent my life planning routes for various groups and producing cycling magazines. Much of my time over the past 20 years has been spent as a cycle tour leader, mainly abroad, often in France.

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Bernie Curtis

Bernie qualified as a member of the Institute of Tourist Guiding in 1981. He is an active member of The London Cycling Campaign and The Forty-Plus Cycling Club. Although he has organised and led holidays in England and France he now specialises in London sightseeing holidays by bike with train, boat and even cable car assistance.
Tel : 01708 347226

Tel : 07790 351589

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Richard Dugdale

Richard is a retired engineer who loves cycle touring and has cycled 100,000 miles over 25 countries. Richard is a British Cycling Level 2 coach, restores old bikes with a collection including a Pennyfarthing. He has lead many tours in most parts of the world and has a special interest in the Balkans, NW America, Asia and Australia.

Tel : 01200 424962

Tel : 07836 505102

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Tony Gore

I have been combining my love of the outdoors and travelling through cycletouring for around 40 years, exploring many parts of the British Isles and Europe, as well as further afield in South Africa and the Americas. I was CTC Tour Leader for over 20 years, running 40 tours in total, 15 of which have been in Spain.  I am now well versed in this country's culture and way of life, and speak reasonable Spanish too.

Tel : 0114 255 0907

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Martin Jamieson

Together with my partner Diane I have led six tours. This includes touring Scotland north along the length of the west coast from Campbeltown to Durness and east to Thurso; and visiting all of the larger islands from Arran, to the Hebrides and Orkney. Luggage transfer is included and E’bikes are welcome

Tel : 07981 100017

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Steve Millard

When on holiday, I’ve always loved to have a distant destination in mind and to cycle there taking in beautiful scenery on the way. The journey should take days or preferably weeks giving the time to linger and discover new and interesting places on the way. This is what I try to bring to my cycling holidays; a journey, a fascinating experience and a holiday, not just a bike ride.
Tel : 07805 223304
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William Miller

I have been cycle touring for nearly 20 years. I began by solo touring in Scotland but discovered the enjoyment of group touring in 2007. I love the feeling of freedom that cycle touring gives you and I find that camping adds to that carefree feeling (though I do like to be well organized, especially when leading a tour)

     Tel : 07909 118712 / 0131 5534119
          Email :
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John Upton

With over 25 year experience, I’ve toured mainly in the UK, typically once a year for 3 to 7 days. Now that the children are more independent, I am looking to expand my involvement, hence joining Bikexplore. I love thinking up places to go, plotting routes and planning logistics, as much as the adventure itself. I am either planning the next adventure or actually on it.

Tel : 07493 868557

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Colin Ward

I joined the Cyclists' Touring Club nearly twenty years ago when I started planning and riding my own solo tours in France, Holland, Italy and the UK. After going on my first organised cycling holiday in India, I realised that riding in a group was so much more fun, so, as soon as I got home, I joined my local cycle club where I soon took up leading rides.
I became a tour leader with CTC Cycling Holidays in 2013 leading eleven tours in the UK and in India.

Tel : 07522 862303
        01483 278420

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Neil Wheadon

From camping trips to hotels and chateaux, I have led over 100 trips all over the world, many with the family but latterly to far flung locations. From 7 trips to the USA, numerous family focussed trips, to the steppes of Mongolia, I cycle for the views.

Tel : 01373 812035

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Greg Woodford

I like exploring new areas. I love cycling up hills and seeing the views from the top. Then whoopee down the other side.  I lead very informally, allowing the groups to form and ride at their own pace. I prefer being at the back but will often ride to the front and then chat to people in the middle.

Tel : 07508 028457

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